21. Oktober 2017   Aktuell

Jamaika-Koalition im Anrollen?


Das Jamaika-Quartett steht vor langwierigen Verhandlungen. Vor allem Inhalte der Flüchtlings-, Umwelt- und Europapolitik sind Ursache großer Differenzen.







Roswitha Engelke fragt: ... wird das die neue Nationalhymne?

Hier schon mal der Text zum Mitsingen



Sun of Jamaica

Long time ago, when I was a young boy
I saw that movie " Mutiny on the Bounty"
Starring my Idol, Marlon Brando
And I felt a yearning for that great adventure
So many nights I woke up out of a dream
A dream of blue seas, white sands,
Paradise birds, butterflies and beautiful warm- hearted girls

Sun of Jamaica, the dreams of Malaika
Our love is my sweet memory
Sun of Jamaica, Blue Lady Malaika
Some day I'll return, wait and see
Walk in the sand and I'm happy with you
We shall be loving and true
Oh I sure love Malaika
With all of my Heart
I will always be faithful and true, yeah true

But now as I grew older
The burning desire became so strong
that I bought me a ticket to fly home
And then I found you
And we fell in eternal love right from the beginning
The stars falling down from the smoothing lagoon
The palms swaying under the moon
We were swimming out into the calm and crystal sea
In that fateful night I thought to myself
I'll do everything I can, save up every time
And one day I'll return, come back home to you
And then I'll stay forever, forever

Sun of Jamaica, the dreams of...




Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung



